CV x The Forsythe Studio

A special collaboration that combines the powers of meditation and crystals for a supercharged healing experience. — Spiritual Home Decor | Unique Home Decor Online | Best Online Vintage Stores | Best Crystal Shops Los Angeles | California Boho Style | Beverly Hills Crystal Store | Online Ethically Sourced Crystal Shop USA | Vintage Art, Textiles, & Pottery For Sale



Crystals are incredible tools for enhancing meditations, so it was an absolute dream to partner with my dear friend and healer, Jessica Forsythe, on this very special collaboration. We are thrilled to give you what we have created: a series of complimentary meditations (downloadable below), along with recommendations for crystals that can be used to deepen healing and further catalyze personal transformation.

Through our own healing journeys, Jessica and I both discovered our callings, and how we wanted to use our unique gifts and learnings to help others. I started Crystal Voyager to offer minerals and education on how they could be engaged with to optimize their energetic effects, and Jessica established her practice, The Forsythe Studio, to guide people to their highest potential with healing sessions and custom designed protocols for each client she works with using breathwork, meditation, reiki, and bespoke tools.

With this collaboration, we merged our individual offerings together to produce an experience that highlights that when crystals and meditation are used in tandem, the efficacy of their healing benefits are supercharged and transformation of all degrees is possible!



The emergence of neuroplasticity has unequivocally proven that our brains possess the remarkable capacity to reorganize pathways, create new connections, and create new neurons. Science confirms that one of the best ways to take full advantage of the malleable nature of our minds is with meditation.

Meditation is the most powerful way to drop into the expansiveness within, if we only take the time to be open to explore. At first, meditation feels daunting because our mind is trained to run the same loops over and over, forming deep ridges in the brain called neural pathways. However, our brains are not hard wired, so it is possible to replace the old thought forms with new ones, new ridges that then override the old. It becomes frustrating to sit in that zone without direction and guidance, so we give up and go about our lives as normal, still wishing we had more power over our thoughts and lives.

As we ease the nervous system with focused breath exercises and settle into our bodies, our brain waves also shift and the mind moves from the analytical to the subconscious. This is the space where we can evolve old thought patterns, and establish powerful possibilities. We build an inner architecture that reflects externally, allowing us to reach our full potential.



The most profound energetic shifts can occur when stones are partnered with practices that rewire the brain (neuroplasticity). When crystals are incorporated into meditations, they are truly able to do their best work. Selecting a crystal that corresponds with the energy of your healing target will make the process both faster and infinitely more productive. Crystals strengthen your meditation practice because of the following:

- As you work on unhealthy blockages, crystals stimulate and support the healthy flow of energy throughout your body’s fields and auric layers (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), increasing the harmonious dialogue between them so you feel aligned

- Having a crystal physically in your presence or actively interacting with one, especially after you have programmed it first with your specific intention, reinforces through visual stimuli the new ways of being you wish to imprint on your brain. They help you to replace old beliefs with healthier ones in the form of new neural pathways. Your behaviors change in response to your beliefs and vice versa; changing your behavior cements your newly developed brain ridges. The result: your whole reality changes.

- As guides, they deepen the insights you download during meditation so you can fully understand the roots of your blockages and how best to address them

- They physically comfort and anchor you while you meditate so you can remain in your body and surrender to the process

- They teach you about subtle energy and how it makes you feel, increasing your personal awareness of how it impacts your existence and how to better utilize it so you can create tangible changes in your life



Crystals can be incorporated into meditation anyway you feel called to do so! Here are some suggestions:

- Place your stones physically on your body. Each stone corresponds with a chakra (energy center) so you can place a stone directly on this area or you can place your stone on any spot you feel intuitively called to do so. Just get in a comfortable position where you can lie flat, position your stones either on or around you, and settle in for your meditation.

- Hold your stones in your hands or keep them by you

- Create a designated meditation space or altar where you keep your stones. You can write your intentions on a piece of paper and place them under your crystals.

- After you use your stones in you meditation you can keep working with them by carrying them with you at all times. Do this for a period of time that feels best.






The first meditation in our collaborative series works with the visual of roses to establish inner trust and acceptance of where we are on our individually unique paths. The rose is both resilient and strong, but also incredibly intricate and delicate. Roses remind us of the cycles of life​,​ to trust the stages of blossoming in our own hearts and in the creation of our own dreams and desires. This meditation can be used at any time, but especially when you are going through stages where you find you are resistant to change, need help letting go, or long to trust yourself to move forward through difficulty. Starting in the heart and then, dropping down into the creative center, so that answers begin to rise from the spaces of love and dreams.



For each meditation that Jessica wrote, I composed a Crystallation™ with the stones that embody and support the energy of the meditation's focus. Meditation N°1 — The Roses engages both the heart and sacral chakras, so these crystals were chosen because they provide full energetic sustenance to these energy centers. After doing the meditation multiple times, it was clear that the selected stones were focused on achieving two main objectives: first aligning our heart centers and restoring our true authenticity to come back into harmony with our purest senses of self. Second, providing and restoring the physical energy needed to move through cycles of change and to take aligned action based on the wisdom we receive from our hearts.

For Creative JuicE

Fig. 1 — Carnelian, Fig. 2 — Almandine Garnet, Fig. 3 — ruby

These dark red stones all fuel creative efforts and stimulate blood flow needed for vitality. They are the lust for life stones, invigorating the passion, drive, and appetite we have for living our best physical existences. They empower the creation of new realities. When these stones are paired with the direction of heart set intentions, they inspire you to go after your deepest desires like a lion going after its prey. These stones can be placed on your creative center (sacral chakra).

For Balance and Restoration

Fig. 4 — Green Kyanite, Fig. 5 — Green Tourmaline, Fig. 6 — Bloodstone

Once the creative juices get flowing, this physical energy (chi) gets circulated through the rest of the chakras so that these energy centers have the gas they require to function properly. These green stones are then the vehicles that take this gas, converting into the vibration that resonates best with the heart, so that it can be integrated and circulated throughout the body for health and balance. These stones can be placed on your heart center.

Heart Connectors

Fig. 7 — Rhodochrosite, Fig. 8 — Pink Tourmaline

As children we are exposed to beliefs about ourselves and the world from family, peers, and society at large. We might also experience a singular trauma or series of events that strongly shape our perception. Whatever we are consistently conditioned with, especially what provokes an intense emotional response, is what gets wired into our developing brains. In our early years we are impressionable and not always capable of discerning if the information we are absorbing is actually true or reflective of our authentic selves. Unfortunately it is these unreliable observations that we use to shape our system of beliefs about who we are, and it is this programming that dictates how we perceive and respond. This causes us to stray from that which resonates with our authentic vibration, producing a reality that doesn’t reflect or provide what we really need.

The antidote for this problem is reconnecting with your inner child so you can rediscover who you were before you were influenced by external factors. There is no better stone to support this journey back to your authentic self than rhodochrosite. It is the ultimate crystal for peeling back all of the layers that need to be removed for you to be in your heart space. It reignites your childlike sense of curiosity so you can understand without ego blocks what makes your heart light up and gives you purpose. This journey can be joyous but it is not without challenges. It requires confronting, questioning, and revisiting past wounds. Pink Tourmaline provides moral support and love so that you can commit to this process and reap all of the benefits it creates. These stones can be placed on your heart center.

The Bridge

Fig. 9 — Topaz

Successful manifestation happens when your subconscious beliefs support your intentions, you take heart guided action, and trust the process. Topaz glues all of these parts of equation together. It aligns intention, action, and energy into conscious outcomes. As we reprogram our brains with new beliefs, we want to reinforce them by channeling and directing our energetic efforts into aligned pursuits. Place topaz on your solar plexus (solar chakra).

Anchor Stones

Fig. 10 — Petrified Wood, Fig. 11 — Apophyllite

Having a grounding stone that connects to Earth energy and a light infusing stone that connects with pure Source keeps energy circulating so we can release and replenish with these sacred forces. Petrified wood exemplifies natural transformation that transpires in the physical world, reminding us that we are constantly evolving and capable of change. Place it at the base of your spine (root chakra) or at the bottom of your feet. Apophyllite can be placed on top or above the center of your head (crown chakra).






Tidal pools are beautiful symbols of release and renewal, as the element of water cleanses and reminds us to let go and be held by something bigger than us. To hold our posture through constant flow, currents, and change, all while trusting the flow. We use this meditation to ground, release and move forward with a renewed sense of calm and heart centered intention.



This Crystallation™ is composed of a potent combination of mineral energies dedicated to removing any blockages that are causing disharmony in the physical, mental, and emotional fields. These crystals facilitate the process of release so that we can create space for the new to come in.

For Deep Energetic Cleansing

FIG. 1 — Malachite, FIG. 2 — Malachite Chrysocolla, FIG. 3 — Chrysocolla, FIG. 4 — Malachite Chrysocolla Azurite, FIG. 5 — Azurite

At the core of this Crystallation™ are three minerals that contain the element copper, which often grow next to one another creating mixed varietals. We know that copper is an excellent conductor of energy, which is why it is so heavily used for cables and wire. We can work with these stones in this same capacity by using them to stimulate any of their corresponding chakras (Azurite for third eye, Chrysocolla for the throat, and Malachite for the solar plexus). They stir up hot energy — stagnant emotions, feelings, and memories so that they can be released from the body and its surrounding subtle energy fields that compose the aura. We use these minerals when we are ready to do some substantial personal work and to confront blockages that are deep rooted.

Specimens with multiple varietals of mineral growth offer a cocktail of their combined properties. These stones offer a chance to work with a unique range of energies simultaneously.

For foregiveness
FIG. 6 — Dioptase

No healing can take place without the inner peace and resolve that comes from forgiveness. Forgiveness can be a powerful stimulant to finally let go of old wounds and trauma. Whether this means forgiving yourself or another, it is an essential process that we need to embrace despite the discomfort and pain it forces us to acknowledge. Dioptase has one of the most soothing, supportive, and loving energies that makes this work infinitely more bearable. It really gets to the heart of the matter so that deep, lingering, and debilitating energy can be dissolved. While this phase of healing can often be one of the hardest, the rewards that await can only be received through this chosen mode of confrontation. You free yourself from the shackles of the past and move forward knowing the full capacity of your resilience and strength. You feel lighter, unburdened, and hopeful.


FIG. 7 — Smoky Quartz

As the ultimate eliminator, Smoky Quartz directs the purging of toxic energy we do not want or need out of our bodies and auric fields. When we get rid of this excess energy we stop attracting more of the same corresponding vibrations into our energetic fields. This makes room for new energy to enter our orbits that does possess the frequencies of what our higher selves want to manifest.

FIG. 8 — Green Tourmaline

With all of the processing and releasing of emotions happening, green tourmaline prevents clogs from occurring and it provides energetic sustenance to do this very active work.

FIG. 9 — Larimar

Larimar only comes from one location in the Dominican Republic. It is a variety of silicate mineral called pectolite, formed tens of millions of years ago by underwater volcanic activity. It is not the only pectolite, but it is the only one known to have a blue palette — the result of hydrothermal fluids flowing into cavities in volcanic rock that have collected a particular mix of minerals along the way. Larimar embodies the element of water. With its liquidity and calmness, it helps the body to feel nurtured so that it is less resistant to release. It is hard to relinquish control, but larimar is so soothing that we feel safe enough to let go.

FIG. 10 — Selenite

Selenite floods the auric fields with pure light, making it one of the most effective stones for cleansing and energetic recalibration. Selenite will dissolve obstructions that prevent enlightened evolution, which is good for those that are resisting the paths they are destined for.






When we have creative energy but we don’t know what to do with it because we are feeling doubtful, afraid, lost, or disconnected from our purpose and desires, we waste it on these negative emotions and fruitless endeavors. This leads to burnout, frustration, and feeling more of the same because we are continuously dwelling in this frequency and projecting it outwards.

We want to be able to strategically apply our energy towards feeling, thinking, and acting in ways that best serve our highest selves. This is where the power of golden, yellowish stones comes into play. Working with these stones provide guidance and direction from our higher selves on how to actively channel and funnel our energy towards pursuits that are in alignment. 

Golden, yellowish stones are very special because they connect us with both the physical and spiritual worlds simultaneously. 

For soul aligned TRANSFORMATION through elevated consciousness & spiritual connection —
stellar beam calcite, tiger’s eye, golden and blue amber


carnelian, vanadinite, wulfenite, mimetite


rutilated quartz, citrine, imperial topaz, golden quartz, sunstone


golden clacite, Peach moonstone, orange kyanite, desert selenite



Cycles of life and how we come to heal and grow through challenges and change have always been driving and instructive forces for Jessica Forsythe. The convergence of science and spirituality is a paradigm shift that she believes will empower us to realize our limitless potential, both as individuals and as a collective. We are learning that we are no longer imprisoned by our genetics, brain functioning, and conditioning, as scientific literature has suggested, until recently. Epigenetics and neuroplasticity prove that we can change and evolve our brain, and therefore our life, here and now. This unification of spirit and matter is an endeavor that ignites her life. Through her practice, The Forsythe Studio, she creates bespoke integrative sessions which layer breath, meditation, movement, reiki and sound to restore and balance the systems of the body. Further layers of awareness and reframing evolve your mind from outdated patterns, enabling heart coherence, embodied presence and inspired action.

Jessica is an NYU graduate, certified yoga instructor, certified reiki practitioner, meditation teacher, and writer. She has studied kundalini, herbal medicine, and shamanic healing and is committed to her ongoing education in all of these areas.