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You can buy crystals pretty much anywhere these days. I am not a full-fledged crystal store; I only offer stones that are ethically sourced, energetically potent, and truly one of a kind. I am very particular and in general, my philosophy is investing in fewer higher-quality pieces rather than a mass array of subpar ones. I pay more for stones that are acquired humanely and that give workers fair salaries, while also making sure that environmental practices are responsible. The price of anything goes down when you cut corners, and those who suffer are the people who are forced to work for nothing out of desperation and the environment. Ethical practices require more time, effort, and financial investment. When articles like this pose the question Do you Know Where Your Healing Crystals Come From?, you can say with absolute certainty that you do. I will always tell you the specific location a stone comes from. The only exception is when something is vintage or from an old collection and that information has been lost.
I always include energy techniques and exercises with every crystal. My goal is to provide you with a supported experience so you feel excited to engage with your stones and feel comfortable utilizing them as healing tools. I also have a page dedicated to sharing my favorite protocol. I am always here to help you select a crystal or to assist you in any way I can. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time.
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Any stone you receive from me has been cleared of any previous energy and intentions. All stones are always charged with Source energy on behalf of your highest good and all of those involved. I do this because I want to ensure they have the best energy possible when I hand them off to you. You are welcome to clear, charge, and program it again if you feel intuitively called to (steps listed below). With all individual stones, I include a pamphlet that has a basic meditation for beginning to work with them. I then recommend establishing a daily meditation practice to continue the process. There are no strict rules to any of this I just like to provide some initial suggestions if you are unsure of where to start. These are also the methods I have found to be the most effective. The most important thing is to always connect with Source first and listen to your intuition.
Any custom arrangement has already been programmed specifically for you. All you need to do is follow the activation process in the included pamphlet. Afterward, you will want to establish a daily meditation, which I have also provided guidance for in the pamphlet.
All formula sets have been cleared and programmed for the focus indicated. It has been channeled and made to assist you in healing that specific intention. All you need to do is follow the included activation process. As is the case with any stone, I recommend establishing a daily meditation practice to incorporate your stones. Certain sets, like the Foundation Stones, have bespoke protocol included. There are no strict rules to any of this I just like to provide some initial suggestions if you are unsure of where to start. These are also the methods I have found to be the most effective. The most important thing is to always connect with Source first and listen to your intuition.
In the future, you may just want to work with one stone from your kit. All you need to do is clear it, charge it, and program it again (see below).
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In general, you will want to attune any new stone to your individual vibrations to have the most harmonious experience. I will always clear the stones you get from me, but these are the steps you will want to take any time you don’t know the origins of a stone, or if you are pulling one from your collection that you haven’t interacted with for a while. When you are going to be consistently working with a stone for a period of time, you only need to clear and program it once and then charge it from time to time to make sure its energy is potent.
Holding your stone in your hand, slowly breathe in with the intention of clearing it of any prior energy. When fully inhaled, hold for 1-2 sec., then forcefully exhale in short bursts or pulses. Repeat this for every face/side.
Draw in your breath with the intention of filling your stone with pure Source energy/love. Exhale, pulsing the breath.
With each inhale visualize your intention, imagining how it feels. With each exhale send your intention into the stone.
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What I refer to as “the work” involves different processes that are ultimately designed to help you operate from your intuition/higher purpose, which include meditation, visualizations, and neuroplasticity. For some of this material, I recommend others whose scope varies from mine but who have developed methods that are complementary to what I am sharing, which can be found under resources.
Crystals are tools that assist this work. Let’s compare it to cooking. Crystals are like different ingredients that come in different flavors. You must try and taste each one to know what to add to your recipe. When you work with crystals you become sensitive to energy and its varying vibrations. You are able to identify it much more clearly so you can consciously use it. If you are making a cake and you want it to be sweet, you are not going to add anchovies. If you are feeling sad, do you want to work with a stone that is uplifting and supportive or that is going to help you identify the cause of the emotion? Maybe both? Stones are energetic shifters and amplifiers. Sometimes you only need one other times you need doses of varying energies. How a stone transfers energy ranges. Whether placed in a location or on the body, whether held in meditation or put on an altar, whether they serve as visual reminders or intention setters, Source knows best and all you need to do is connect, listen, and trust.
Each person comes into the world with their own unique purpose and lessons to learn. There are aspects of ourselves that are authentically us and that we are meant to wholeheartedly welcome and embrace. Then there are the beliefs and behaviors we have adapted based on external circumstances that force us to stray away from or reject these authentic aspects of ourselves. This is when life becomes difficult because we are no longer flowing with the stream but swimming against the current. Energy work allows us to return to the person we were born to be. It helps remove programming that isn’t part of our natural makeup and subsequently produces new outcomes in alignment with our higher self.
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I believe in a Source higher than that of humankind that is completely pure energy. It is this energy that comprises The Universe. Energy can come in many different forms, shapes, and vibrations but it all comes from Source. Source is all that is good. It is infinite and unconditional love and light.
When we disconnect from Source by doing anything that isn’t in the best interest of our higher selves, we develop imbalances. When we disrespect the creations of Source whether it be ourselves, the planet, other people, animals, etc. then we are creating energy that is no longer pure. If we don’t address this impure energy then it collectively builds and transforms into something unpleasant.
It is surrendering and trusting in an energy, force, or entity, however you want to think of it, that is higher than that of humans. Regardless of what you call it God, Source, the Universe, it is mysterious and inexplicable for a reason. I am sure there is much more out there than what we can even imagine, but to be spiritual is to accept that we have as much knowledge as we can handle in our current evolution.
I believe that spirituality is not about being perfect or arriving at an end goal but it is about the commitment to the process and about always striving to be our authentic self. It is not about living an existence without hardship or pain, it is about having the perspective and tools to work through these trying times. We emerge from them having seen their meaning and utilizing the knowledge we received from them to make ourselves and the world better.
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"I used to believe that we must choose between science and reason on one hand, and spirituality on the other, in how we lead our lives. Now I consider this a false choice. We can recover the sense of sacredness, not just in science, but in perhaps every area of life."
— LArry dossey, reinventing medicine
I was raised by one parent who very much believes in “God” and there is a larger force at play, and another parent who is more or less an Atheist who insists on having scientific proof to back up all claims. Not surprisingly, I have always been pulled between the worlds of science and spirituality, often feeling like I had to choose one or the other.
When I was first introduced to energy healing and ideologies based on the concept of the Universe, I found myself resistant to just believing all that I was being told without having any sort of scientific logic. I could just hear my father’s voice in my head repeating “sucker” over and over again. I felt a tremendous amount of guilt for seeking out alternative healing modalities that had no information to support how they supposedly worked. Yet I had tried accepted practices such as therapy and antidepressants, and while I felt less guilty for doing things that had been “proven” solves for improving one’s state of mind, I was still struggling and unfulfilled. This work forced me to confront and reconcile what I really believed and what I had been conditioned to believe. Science is able to back up so much of the phenomena we experience, but how are we to approach that which we still don’t have any concrete explanations for? Is it possible that humans just haven’t discovered the science yet? I think about trying to explain to cavemen the concept of electricity, something invisible that they were just not advanced enough to understand or grasp. I realized that closing myself off to ideas that resonated and obviously intrigued me just because other people deemed them as implausible or having no scientific basis was a betrayal of my authentic self. I have learned to make peace with the two dichotomies I am torn between by using the science that does exist to provide the initial foundations for my beliefs, and then learning to accept that I am a spiritual person who feels drawn to ideas that may not fully be flushed out or scientifically explainable at this time in history. It is incredibly hubris of humans to think we have discovered everything there is and to just assume that what we currently see and know is all that there is. One of man’s greatest weaknesses is settling for outcomes and behaviors that are familiar and safe, rather than attempting to explore alternative ways just because they are foreign and uncomfortable.
“Unfortunately, in the beginning of a paradigm shift, most scientists have no interest in conducting experiments on these “outlandish” topics. They know that if they do, they will lose their funding, be unable to publish, and may even find their academic careers in jeopardy. Control of research funding has become highly centralized, with the U. S. government controlling most pure research money. In some cases this money is controlled by groups of scientists with vested interest in their own long-standing research areas. In other cases, military secrecy prevents controversial new, potentially powerful technologies from being funded in an open, public forum. Scientists along with the American public have been educated to view these areas of anomalous research with contempt and ridicule, which further compounds the difficulty in addressing these phenomena with rigorous and unbiased scientific analysis.”
— Claude Swanson, The Synchronized Universe
There are always going to be people who firmly believe that New Age ideas and approaches are nutty and fake and while it drives me crazy, I realize that it is not about them. Their resistance is just a trigger for a deeper underlying issue of wanting approval from my very argumentative father. I feel like I have to convince the part of him that resides in me. This is why this work is so important. You are able to determine and select what programming to eliminate and what to hold on to based on whether it is alignment with your authentic self. You are the only one living your life and all that matters is whatever work you choose to do, it is serving you in your journey. I want to emphasize that it is my deep belief that everybody should be able to engage in whatever they choose without judgment from others. In many areas, society has tried to convince people that there is a one-size-fits-all approach that we should settle for, and it has made me and many others feel inadequate for way too long.
FIG. 40-46
FIG. 40 — Liu Kuo Sung, "The Ring B", 1973. © Liu Kuo Sung.
FIG. 41 — Dr. Dee J Nelson and his wife Geo produced this Kirlian photograph of pyramid energy using a Tesla Coil, 1979.
FIG. 42 — Serge V. King, “Pyramid Energy Handbook”, 1977.
FIG. 43 — Hematite, "Natury Library - Rocks and Minerals", 1984.
FIG. 44 — Elyn Zimmerman, Untitled, 1976. Broxton Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. Photo courtesy of artist.
FIG. 45 — Yoko Ono, "A Hole to See the Sky Through”, 1971. © Yoko Ono.
FIG. 46 — Image courtesy of Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Sky TV for Washington, 1966/2014. Yoko Ono. Video. Variable. Joseph H. Hirshhorn Purchase Fund, 2016.