Gera Perneczsky , "Yes No No Yes" 1972.


Each one of us has our own unique set of core values. The most assured way of living in alignment with your higher self is knowing what your individual values are. Every aspect of your life thrives when you use these values to shape the choices you make. Whenever I work with a client on a custom Crystallation™, part of the process is discovering and establishing what their personal values are so that I can help them determine where they are and are not aligned.

These are my core values that I require to guide both my efforts with C.V. as well as the way I live at large:

— Mindfulness: heart-centered intention, authentic curation, space for flow and ease

— Creativity: contributing my unique perspective and offering / championing other brave souls who are doing the same thing

— Beauty/Inspiration/Discovery: finding, making, sharing, and being fully immersed

— Connection/Sharing: the exchange of love, compassion, kindness, support, resources, and knowledge

— Well-being: commitment to my personal expansion and self-care while I help others

When it comes to material items, I honor my core values by using the following criteria to evaluate if I should acquire and bring something into my orbit: sourcing & quality of materials/ingredients, knowledge & awareness of what/who I am energetically (financially) supporting & contributing to, aesthetic & design, waste & consumption, functionality & effectiveness, and overall value after all these factors are considered. “C.V. Essentials” is an ongoing series I created for this journal so I could share all of my favorite things that align with my core values.

CV ESSENTIALSJillian Kasimow