
When a crystal grows normally, it lays down layers of silicon dioxide molecules. The crystal builds itself up gradually by this process. In the case of an elestial, the crystal grows so fast that the layers trap things within them. Other crystals do this also, such as crystals with phantoms in them. But elestials often trap air or things such as acids within them as they grow. These acids then eat away at the inside of the crystal producing the classic skeletal appearance that elestials often have.

This piece assists with the downloading and deciphering of innate wisdom. It has some smoky quartz which it makes more grounding than regular amethyst and enables you to apply the wisdom you receive to your current reality. It is a wonderful stone to use when working through challenging situations when you need both insight and actionable guidance. It’s a no nonsense stone that keeps you clear and sharp. It’s earthly and spiritual combination provides the best of both worlds, giving a holistic, full range of support for aligned action in both realms.

Locale — Royal Scepter Mine (Hallelujah Junction), Petersen Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A.

S — 3” x 2” x 1.25”

W — 140.5 gr

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