
“The Little Joy”

ENERGY: Bright, Boosting, Uplifting

FOCUS: Bursts of pure energy that clear congestion and constriction for proper flow

A Herkimer Diamond is actually a unique kind of quartz formation that comes specifically from the locale of Herkimer, NY (similar appearing quartz will be marketed as Herkimer but come from another geographic spot. I personally only work with and source the ones that come from NY). While they are not diamonds, they have a very high frequency and pack a lot of punch for such petite stones. They work to rapidly dissolve and dissipate energetic blocks while giving you a boost of pure light. They are also very good stones to program when working with lucid dreaming. Small ones can be placed under your pillow or a larger specimen like this one can be placed on your night table. While you sleep, ask your Herkimer to assist you with downloading information from your higher self that will best serve you when you wake. If you are feeling lost, unenthused, or foggy headed, then a Herkimer Diamond is ready to help you find renewed clarity and action.

Locale — Herkimer, New York, U.S.A.

S — Approx. 1.75" x 1.25" x 1.125"

W — 43.7 grams

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