
ENERGY: Regenerative, Soothing, Strengthening, Propelling
FOCUS: Gently facilitates emotional processing & release / Good for healing the physical body / Allows one to move forward and grow
USE WHEN: Feeling stressed or tired, needing to be relaxed, to prepare the heart to do more intense and deeper healing

Aventurine is a foundation stone for the heart, which means it is a perfect primer for doing initial heart healing before moving on to other stones that target specific ailments or that work on a deeper level (it's pink counterpart is rose quartz). Before opting for any other green stone, try aventurine first. It calms the heart and gently nudges it open​ ​so blocks can start releasing. Aventurine is like a soothing wise grandmother. It is soft and relaxing. It doesn't stimulate and it provides love unconditionally. But sometimes you need a kick in the pants to ​move ​forward. ​When you are ready and willing to really address the nitty gritty of what's holding you back from fully healing and evolving,​ introdu​ce​ a​ more intense​ stone like malachite​. ​Aventurine will mow the lawn​ and get a few weeds​,​ whereas​ malachite will ​pull up any toxicity that have taken root way below the surface.​ ​

2 raw pieces.

S — Approx. 0.75 x 1-1.5” x. 0.375”

W — 14 gr

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