
“The Funnel”

ENERGY: Manifesting, Focusing, Powerful, Encouraging, Self-Aware

FOCUS: Directs energy towards intentional outcomes / Mental clarity for how to take directional energetic action

If we have the energy to create but no idea of how to direct it then we get wishy washy results in our lives that leave us feeling helpless and out of control. This is when we want to work with stones that target will-power and that address the mental blockages that are holding us back from taking action. We also want to know that when we do choose to apply our energy, that we are doing so in accordance with Source so we can be assured that our actions support our higher selves and all of those directly involved. Pyrite comes in many different forms, including cubes, nodules, and discs, which is indicative of its diverse ability to funnel energy in many ways. 

These perfectly geometric pyrite cubes are completely natural and come from an area in Spain that’s famous for producing these exquisite wonders.

Locale — Navajún, La Rioja, Spain

S — Approx. 3" x 2.25" x 2.625"

W — 11.6 oz

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