
FOCUS: This sampler consists of stones to support grounding, which is our energetic connection to the physical world. Grounding stones help us to deal in various ways with energetic stimuli and toxic energy that prevent us from feeling good in our physical bodies. They assist with the elimination of unwanted energy (1st chakra or root chakra) and by providing protection from negative or draining energy. With their presence we can gently integrate pure earth energy into our fields so that we can resonate more comfortably with our surroundings. The safer and more fluid we feel as physical beings, the more at peace we are, which is the key to experiencing an enjoyable physical reality.

USE WHEN FEELING: Overstimulated, ambivalent, depressed, fatigued, spaced out, disappointed, distracted, antsy, anxious, attacked, or in need of an energetic cleanse

ENERGY: The energy of these stones feels stabilizing, detoxifying, and unifying with Mother Earth and her wisdom.


— Smoky Quartz, Royal Scepter Mine, Petersen Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A. / 3” x 0.625” x 0.625” / 23.6 grams

— Hematite, ex. Crystal Voyager private collection / 2.5” x 1.625” x 0.75” / 114 grams

— Black Tourmaline, Minas Gerais, Brazil / 2.75” x 1.25” x 1” / 91.5 grams

Crystal Voyager’s newest offering are these sampler sets, which contain my favorite staple crystals for addressing a specific area of healing. Certain stones work particularly well for a common purpose, but each one supports this energetic task differently. You can use these crystals all together to experience their full range of vibrations and to focus at large on the energy center they resonate with, or separately, so you can dial in deeper on a certain facet of healing. Working with the stones individually is the best way to discover which ones are the most effective for you when faced with reoccurring situations and dynamics.

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