
SPECIMEN — Black tourmaline on a smoky quartz and feldspar matrix with hyalite.
LOCALE — Erongo Mountain, Namibia, Africa

Specimens with multiple varietals of mineral growth offer a cocktail of their combined properties. These stones offer a chance to work with a unique range of energies simultaneously. This piece has both black tourmaline and smoky quartz, two of the most sacred stones for effective grounding, or how we are energetically assimilating to the physical world. Grounding stones help us to deal in various ways with energetic stimuli and toxic energy that prevent us from feeling good in our physical bodies. They assist with the elimination of unwanted energy (1st chakra or root chakra) and by providing protection from negative or draining energy. With their presence we can gently integrate pure earth energy into our fields so that we can resonate more comfortably with our surroundings. The safer and more fluid we feel as physical beings, the more at peace we are, which is the key to experiencing an enjoyable physical reality.

USE FOR: The large size of this specimen makes it perfect for a space that needs consisting grounding and energetically cleansing

ENERGY: The energy of these stones feels stabilizing, detoxifying, and unifying with Mother Earth and her wisdom.

“The Filter”

ENERGY: Grounding, Protective, Cleansing, Releasing, Active
FOCUS: Neutralizes internal negative energy, redirects it from external influences / Establishes energetic barriers

Black Tourmaline, with its vertical striations, channels and moves energy at a very rapid pace. Unlike quartz, tourmalines do not absorb energy (imagine quartz as sponges and tourmalines as straws). When they come into contact with negative energy they simply filter it and transform it back to a neutral frequency. Tourmalines direct energy from one source to another, which is why the black variety (schorl) is a very efficient and powerful stone for removing negative energy from one’s auric fields or physical environment (pair with quartz so excess energy can be dissolved). Black Tourmaline is known as a protective stone because not only does it rid you of any toxic vibrations that you are producing or holding on to, but if you come into contact with them externally through contact with an individual or space, it serves as a shield by deflecting this energy away from you.

“The Eliminator”

ENERGY: Grounding, Dissolving, Empowering, Stimulating, Balancing
FOCUS: Assists with the release and elimination of emotional debris, unhealthy behaviors, and negative energy / Infusing Earthly action with Source Energy

Our challenge as physical beings is to find the balance between being present in the physical realm in which we exist while maintaining a connection to the ethereal realm in which we come from. Establishing healthy relationships with both is essential because the spiritual world has all the resources we need access to if we want to evolve into our higher selves in our current physical incarnation. Stones used for grounding serve the purpose of helping build a stable foundation in the material world so we can be successful in all other pursuits. Smoky Quartz, especially in the form of a point, assists with the elimination of toxic energy we do not want or need in our lives. When we get rid of this excess energy we stop attracting more of the same corresponding vibrations into our energetic fields. This makes room for new energy to enter our orbits that does possess the frequencies of what our higher selves want to manifest.

Smoky Quartz is an essential stone. For those just beginning to work with energy, this is one of the very first and most important stones to start with. It is a reliable staple that you will utilize time and time again. This point dissolves the frequencies that are not serving you while aligning you with the vibrations of Source energy.


S — Large cabinet specimen 8” x 5” x 4.5”
Large black tourmaline crystal 3” x 2.5” x 2
Small black tourmaline crystal 1” x 1.5” x 1.25”

W — 4 lbs, 10 oz.

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