
FOCUS: Light blue and aqua-colored stones resonate with the throat chakra but they do a lot more than just optimize our verbal speaking abilities. Expression is not just what we say out loud using our voice, but rather how we energetically communicate and project our essence. This Crystallation™ consists of stones that connect us with who we are at our core so that we can translate that through our ways of being. They support the open and free communication of one’s higher-self, ensuring that all our endeavors are rooted in heart-centered and truthful expression.

USE WHEN FEELING: In need of eloquence or tactful speaking and communication skills

KEY USES: For any professions that rely on communication e.g. writers or anyone who uses writing extensively such as academics, journalists, radio and television hosts, podcasters, or for those who do a lot of public speaking. They are particularly useful for artists and creative types when experiencing creative blocks. They are also excellent for healers and healing spaces, for instance in a therapist's office. Everyone can benefit from them as they are wonderful supports for discussions, hard conversations, and for making deep connections.

ENERGY: The energy of these stones are peaceful, gentle, cooling, watery, unrestricted, serene, reflective, honest, relaxing, and calming.


  • Blue Celestine — Ex. Fred Stohl Collection, Zazafotsy Quarry (Amboarohy), Zazafotsy, Ihosy, Ihorombe, Madagascar / 1.375" x 1.125" x 0.625" / 28.1 grams

  • Blue Calcite — Mexico, Vintage / 3.2 grams / 1”

  • Kyanite (2) — Minas Gerais, Brazil / 14.4 grams / 2”

  • Angelite — Peru 32 grams / 1.5”

Crystal Voyager’s Crystallation™ sets are comprised of my favorite staple crystals for addressing a specific area of healing. Certain stones work particularly well for a common purpose, but each supports this energetic task differently. You can use these crystals all together to experience their full range of vibrations and to focus at large on the energy center they resonate with, or separately, so you can dial in deeper on a particular facet of healing. Working with the stones individually is the best way to discover which ones are the most effective for you when faced with reoccurring situations and dynamics.

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