
FOCUS: This Crystallation™ includes crystals for connecting you with a higher Source so that you can openly receive information that shifts your consciousness and positively impacts your outlook. With these stones, you can download the guidance and wisdom from your highest-self on behalf of your highest good. This profound inner knowing is called your intuition and when you let it take the lead, you surrender to the unknown with full trust that your life is unfolding in sync with the Divine.

USE WHEN FEELING: Out of touch with yourself / in need of guidance or perspective from a trusting source

ENERGY: The energy of these stones is calming, transforming, clarifying, introspective, visionary, psychic, activated, mystical, aligning, and cosmic.

HOW TO USE: Place on third eye / carry with you throughout the day / sleep with stones under your pillow or on your bedside table


  • Amethyst — Wyloo Station, Western Australia / 11.4 grams / 1”

  • Purple Grape Agate — Sulawasi, Indonesia / 4.2 grams / 1”

  • Sugilite — N'Chwaning III, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Northern Cape, South Africa / 1.5 grams / 0.75”

Crystal Voyager’s Crystallation™ sets are comprised of my favorite staple crystals for addressing a specific area of healing. Certain stones work particularly well for a common purpose, but each supports this energetic task differently. You can use these crystals all together to experience their full range of vibrations and to focus at large on the energy center they resonate with, or separately, so you can dial in deeper on a particular facet of healing. Working with the stones individually is the best way to discover which ones are the most effective for you when faced with reoccurring situations and dynamics.

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