
Indigo stones are among the most powerful and important stones to work with because they assist us with accessing our subconscious minds so that we can shift our limiting beliefs and clear mental patterns that are creating disharmony.

This sampler includes the holy trinity of dark blue stones: sodalite, lapis lazuli, and azurite. These are the go-to stones for deep mental cleansing as they support the following:

— seeing limitations and removing them- rewiring of ingrained habits and blocks that are preventing us from becoming our higher-self

— connecting us back with our authentic system of beliefs- retrieval of past lives and attached karma (both good and bad)

— understanding of who we are through the lens of “Source”, in other words, a profound knowing of what our soul purpose is and how to achieve it

— downloading of higher guidance

— renewed awareness and conscious thinking

The energy of these stones is deep, penetrating, clearing, focusing, infinite, guiding, and wise.


  • Sodalite, vintage / 1.25" x 0.75" x 0.75" / 14.8 grams

  • Lapis Lazuli, ex. Crystal Voyager Private Collection / 82 grams / 4”

  • Azurite, ex. Crystal Voyager Private Collection / 0.9" x 0.625" x 0.5" / 4.2 grams

Crystal Voyager’s Crystallation™ sets are comprised of my favorite staple crystals for addressing a specific area of healing. Certain stones work particularly well for a common purpose, but each supports this energetic task differently. You can use these crystals all together to experience their full range of vibrations and to focus at large on the energy center they resonate with, or separately, so you can dial in deeper on a particular facet of healing. Working with the stones individually is the best way to discover which ones are the most effective for you when faced with reoccurring situations and dynamics.

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