
LOCALE — Jade Cove, Big Sur, California

“The Concentrated Heart Essence”

ENERGY: Reassuring, harmonizing, peaceful, balancing, nurturing

FOCUS: Increasing flow of abundance in the material realm / physical well-being and balance

KEY USES: Removing lack mentality, when needing to self-soothe, learning trust through love and an expanded heart, fertility

The only jade I personally work with and carry is nephrite jade which comes from the locale of Big Sur. In this small pocket off the California coastline exists the only known under-sea jade deposit found in the world. All minerals carry the energy of the environment in which they grew. And since Big Sur Jade is the only jade that is a product of the ocean, this nephrite jade feels like nothing else out there. Big Sur Jade comes in a range of green hues, from dark spinach to bright emerald. Some jades are incredibly translucent while others are dull and opaque. These particular jades were collected by a resident of the area, who has been sourcing and diving for these Pacific Ocean-shaped forms since the 1970s.

Jade is an earth element stone, which is why it is a classic good luck charm known for promoting prosperity. Big Sur Jade embodies both the elements of earth and water. It is one of the most grounding stones you can work with in the heart space but it also feels fluid and metamorphic, which is why it is often described as enigmatic and mysterious. Working with jade increases the flow of positive vibrations in your life because it so strongly connects you with the pure energy of love. When your heart is expanded with the essence of Divine nurturing, lack-mentality dissipates as you are reminded that you need not fear never having enough. Big Sur Jade teaches you to manifest from the heart so material abundance is no longer shallow and superficial, but rather the result of spiritual transformation rather than in lieu of it. The more you love and share, the more of this same abundance you receive. Jade is the perfect stone for achieving the balance of giving and receiving. This harmonious flow of energy is what promotes physical well-being and safeguards against blockages. Chinese poets have compared jade's melodious sound to the voice of a loved one and the Chinese have coined itthe concentrated essence of love”. This is for good reason.

There are two stones out in the world that are referred to as Jade, nephrite, and jadeite, but they are actually two different minerals. Nephrite is softer than jadeite. China only had nephrite until jadeite was imported from Burma during the Qing dynasty (1271–1368 CE), so their traditional jade typically is referring to nephrite. Interestingly, in pre-Columbian America, only hard jade was available so all Indigenous jades are jadeite. The majority of jadeite available today comes from Myanmar and the main market for it is China, which now values this variety more than nephrite. There are many ethical problems with the Jadeite operation in Myanmar, so I encourage you to really do your research if Jadeite is what you are looking for.


S — 1.125” x 1” x 0.5”
W — 10.3 grams

S — 1.9” x 0.9” x 0.25”
W — 6.6 grams

S — 1.25” x 1” x 0.5”
W — 9.5 grams

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