
The two hemispheres of our brains have different functions: the left side is associated with logic, language, and speech while the right side is associated with creativity, intuition, and spatial attention. Fluorite is a stone that supports left brain cognition, helping to organize thoughts into easily processed pieces of information. Quartz is a stone that helps to amplify and expand the right brain’s infinite abilities, including imagination, ideas, and radical expansion. Fluorite and quartz perfectly complement each other; they optimize the hemisphere of the brain they resonate with, but they also influence the other to create synthesized harmony. For example, the combination of the two can help creative minds structure their abstract inclinations into more tangible forms or actionable steps. Or it can help more logical people become less rigid and more intuitive in the way they approach solutions.

FOCUS: Use this set in meditation to create and reinforce new neural pathways rooted in authenticity


  • White Elmwood Fluorite — Smith County, Tennessee, U.S.A. / 10.2 grams / 1.5” x 1.125” x 0.625”

  • Clear Quartz on Matrix — Payson, Arizona, U.S.A. / 7.5 grams / 1” x 1” x 0.625”

Crystal Voyager’s Crystallation™ sets are comprised of my favorite staple crystals for addressing a specific area of healing. Certain stones work particularly well for a common purpose, but each supports this energetic task differently. You can use these crystals all together to experience their full range of vibrations and to focus at large on the energy center they resonate with, or separately, so you can dial in deeper on a particular facet of healing. Working with the stones individually is the best way to discover which ones are the most effective for you when faced with reoccurring situations and dynamics.

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