Vintage Blue Kyanite Mineral Specimen from Buncombe County, North Carolina — Crystal Voyager :: Los Angeles-based creative studio & shop with a selection of ethical crystals, curated objects, custom stone layouts, & artist collaborations | Spiritual Home Decor | Unique Home Decor Online | Best Online Vintage Stores | Best Crystal Shops Los Angeles | California Boho Style | Beverly Hills Crystal Store | Online Ethically Sourced Crystal Shop USA | Vintage Art, Textiles, & Pottery For Sale

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LOCALE — Walker Creek, Buncombe County, North Carolina, U.S.A.

“The Consciousness Expander”

ENERGY: Elevating, Channeling, Directive, Opening

FOCUS: Connects one with higher consciousness and introduces this high frequency to our physical vibrations to shift us back in alignment

The Energy of Electric Blue

Don't you wonder sometimes
About sound and vision?
Blue, blue, electric blue
That's the color of my room
Where I will live
Blue, blue
Pale blinds drawn all day
Nothing to do, nothing to say
Blue, blue I will sit right down
Waiting for the gift of sound and vision

— David Bowie, "Sound and Vision", c. 1977.

David Bowie was on to something with these lyrics. Electric blue is the color of intuitive sensing and knowing. Stones in this hue (e.g. shattuckite, canvasite, kyanite, and blue apatite) expand your physical senses so you can receive and download information that is beyond this physical reality. With consistent practice, you can fully develop your psychic abilities. Clair is a word describing types of clear sensitivity corresponding to our physical and intuitive senses, e.g. clairvoyance is the ability to see objects, actions, or events distant from the present without the use of eyes. It transcends time and space. There are many different clairs that you can focus on strengthening with these stones.

These stones electrify you with the energy of potential and unlimited possibility. They help you to evolve into your highest version of self (living in complete alignment with your authentic "blue"print) by relaying to you what this incarnation looks and feels like before it happens in the here and now. They expand your consciousness and provide clarity from a higher source on how to resolve situations that are preventing you from coming into resonance with these visions. They are great stones to work with when you are feeling stuck or in a rut as they can offer alternative views. They also are devices for calling your spirits and guides, giving you access to divine knowledge and providing reassurance that you always have support as you navigate your journey.


S — Approx. 2.625” x 2.375” x 1.75”
W — 264.8 grams / 9.3 oz.

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