Ethically Sourced Botryoidal Hematite Specimen from Iron Hill, New Mexico — Crystal Voyager :: Los Angeles-based creative studio & shop with a selection of ethical crystals, curated objects, custom stone layouts, & artist collaborations | Spiritual Home Decor | Unique Home Decor Online | Best Online Vintage Stores | Best Crystal Shops Los Angeles | California Boho Style | Beverly Hills Crystal Store | Online Ethically Sourced Crystal Shop USA | Vintage Art, Textiles, & Pottery For Sale

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SPECIMEN — Palm-size botryoidal hematite specimen
LOCALE — Iron Hill, New Mexico, U.S.A.

“The Anchor”

ENERGY: Grounding, Heavy, Still

FOCUS: Allows one to feel present and stable in their body and in the physical world

KEY USES: Relief from overstimulation, bodily presence for those that are flighty or not quite there, focus, productivity, anxiety reduction

STONE PAIRINGS: Amethyst, Lepidolite, Sugilite

If you are having a hard time being aware, engaged, or motivated in the physical realm, then you want to work with a stone that connects you to the anchoring energy of the Earth. When selecting a stone for this purpose, consider to what degree you need to be pulled back into the here and now. For instance, smoky quartz and hematite are both wonderful stones for grounding, but they do so in different manners.

While Earth was forming, it developed layers when the various elements that were floating around began separating, which was determined by their density and how they were pulled by gravity. Heavier metals, such as iron and nickel, sunk to the center to create the Earth’s core while lighter elements, such as oxygen and silicon, rose to the surface to create the Earth’s crust. This is indicative of these stones’ energetic characteristics. Smoky Quartz, composed of silicon and oxygen, gradually acclimates you to your current reality and state of being, making it easier and more gentle to work with. Hematite, composed of iron, drops you into your body instantaneously. For some, smoky quartz may not be stabilizing enough so they need to incorporate a denser vibration into their energetic field, such as hematite.

Hematite is especially good for those who have extreme anxiety, an inability to focus, or who have a really hard time staying still without distraction. Pairing a purple stone with the heavier energy of hematite can be extremely effective for finding comfort in one’s physical body and environment, as well as assisting with the downloading of intuitive thoughts that can be practically applied to one’s everyday existence and perspective.


S — 2.25” x 2” x 1.5”
W — 132.6 grams

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