
LOCALE — Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India

SPECIMEN — Large quartz plate cluster of Himalayan pink quartz, also known as “Samadhi Quartz”, a rare variety of quartz that comes from the Himalayan Mountains in the Kullu Valley of India. It gets its pink color from iron and titanium. This quartz is pink but it is not rose quartz, which very rarely crystallizes in point-form clusters. Samadhi pink quartz is essentially clear quartz that is tinted pink because of the inclusions of iron and titanium.

Because it is extracted from very high elevations by hand, the energy of this quartz is extremely high vibration and pure. Samadhi, which is Sanskrit for “total self-collectedness”, is the concept in Hinduism and Buddhism of the highest state of consciousness and connection one can achieve while still being in a physical body. Samadhi is a state that is undisturbed by desire, anger, or any other ego-generated thought or emotion. In Buddhism, samadhi is the last of the eight steps leading to enlightenment (the Eightfold Path).

Pink Himalayan Quartz possesses this pure energy of ultimate enlightenment and is a meditative guide for reaching this state of Samadhi.

“The Path to Nirvana”

ENERGY: Elevating, Graceful, Gentle, Loving
FOCUS: Complete union with Source / Elimination of ego restrictions preventing spiritual transformation / Ultimate spiritual enlightenment
USE FOR: Self-growth and evolution, meditation, placing a cluster in an environment raises the vibration of that space making this the perfect crystal for alters, places of contemplation and stillness, and healing sanctuaries


S — Large cabinet specimen 8” x 5” x 2.25”
W — 1 lb, 12 oz.

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