
LOCALE — Nepal, S. Asia

SPECIMEN — This is an unusual cluster of well-shaped sharp, gemmy golden yellow grossular garnets from an old collection. Yellow garnets in this hue are very rare and hard to find.

There are six different types of garnets (grossular, almandine, spessartine, rhodolite, andradite, and uvarovite) with each variety coming in various colors and having its own chemical compositions. Garnets are concretated balls of energy that are worked with to bring this same kind of concentrated fruition to abstract ideas, visions, and desires to the physical realm. Garnets are the stones to engage with when wanting to translate energy into a tangible form in the reality of the here and now, which is why they are crystals of prosperity.

Yellow garnets resonate with the solar plexus chakra, which is your center of willpower and control. The individual garnets of this cluster resemble atoms, solidifying together to create an orchestrated whole.

“The Locus of Control”

ENERGY: Invigorating, Inspiring, Stimulating

FOCUS: Optimize and focus energy so it can be expressed and materialized without limitation into tangible channels / Feel in control of what is manifesting in your reality

USE FOR: Manifestation / Inviting prosperity and abundance into your life


S — 1” x 0.9” x 0.75” (thumbnail)
W — 8.6 grams

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