Pink Grossular Garnets from Xalostoc, Morelos, Mexico — Crystal Voyager :: Los Angeles-based creative studio & shop with a selection of ethical crystals, curated objects, custom stone layouts, & artist collaborations | Spiritual Home Decor | Unique Home Decor Online | Best Online Vintage Stores | Best Crystal Shops Los Angeles | California Boho Style | Beverly Hills Crystal Store | Online Ethically Sourced Crystal Shop USA | Vintage Art, Textiles, & Pottery For Sale

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LOCALE — Xalostoc, Morelos, Mexico, N. America

SPECIMEN — Pink garnets from Mexico are quite special and sought-after. They are typically grossular garnets, which are known for their distinctive pink color that can range from light baby pink to a deeper raspberry. This potent cluster consists of two well-shaped sharp, gemmy pink grossular garnets with intertwined growth. Pink garnets resonate with the heart and support the materialization of love in all forms. They are excellent stones for manifesting relationships, romantic or otherwise. Pink garnets are great gifts to give when you want to tell someone that you love them, perfect for friends and family. The formation of this stone makes it particularly potent for planting the seeds needed to attract a soulmate.

There are six different types of garnets (grossular, almandine, spessartine, rhodolite, andradite, and uvarovite) with each variety coming in various colors and having its own chemical compositions. Garnets are concentrated balls of energy that are worked with to bring this same kind of concentrated, focused fruition to abstract ideas, visions, and desires to the physical realm. Garnets are the stones to engage with when wanting to translate energy into a tangible form in the reality of the here and now, which is why they are crystals of prosperity. Their color indicates what chakra they resonate best with, and thus the area of focus they are suited for.

“The Love Nugget”

ENERGY: Invigorating, Compassionate, Soothing, Nurturing

FOCUS: Cultivate self-love / Optimize and focus energy so it can be expressed and materialized without limitation into tangible channels of love

USE FOR: Manifesting love and relationships, with yourself or others


S — 1.25” x 1” x 1”
W — 35.1 grams

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