
SPECIMEN — In the metaphysical world, cathedral quartz is highly esteemed for being one of the best crystals to work with to access Akashic records, past lifetimes, and ancient wisdom. This particular crystal also has the inclusion of phantoms. Metaphorically, phantoms in a crystal represent former incarnations of self, the overcoming of obstacles, perseverance, forward momentum and growth, and personal evolution. This is an excellent stone to engage when you are working on manifesting your highest path. When you understand your portfolio of past lifetimes, stories, and archetypes, you possess the necessary knowledge to overcome recurring blocks and patterns at their root cause. You can complete karmic lessons once and for all.

“The Trust Muscle”

ENERGY: Manifesting, Warm, Supportive, Stimulating

FOCUS: Overcome mental blockages and patterning that are preventing manifestation abilities / release feelings that you don’t deserve abundance

USE WHEN: Feeling afraid, shy, or introverted / increasing confidence and security / tackling earthly issues

Successful manifestation happens when your subconscious beliefs support your intentions, you take aligned action, and you trust the process. Yellow and gold stones support the behavioral part of the manifestation equation (the other part are stones that support mental cognition in conjunction with spiritual practices and that fall in the purple/indigo range). They resonate with the third (solar) chakra, often called "the seat of personal power" because it is where we energetically project our self-beliefs and consequently our self-esteem. Our ability to act confidently and from a place of high value so that we can experience a prosperous existence is linked to our third chakra. If we are struggling with this, we can work with yellow and gold stones to change the ways we are channeling and directing our energy to match the new beliefs we choose to reprogram our brains with.

The energy of yellow/gold stones is productive, motivating, determined, willful, efficient, uplifting, sunny, warm, and abundant.

Read more about Crystal Voyager’s favorite stones for manifestation here.

Locale — Minas Gerais, Brazil

S — Approx. 5.5” x 2.375” x 2.25”

W — 1 lb 2 oz

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